
My name is Bella. I guide and support people to heal themselves, and transform at the causal level.  While I work with many people, my specialisation is healing the nervous system, anxiety, and childhood trauma. If you would like to feel calm, heal your nervous system, transform behavioural patterns, be more healthy, and have more healthy relationships, then you have come to the right place.

This isn’t just talk therapy, we go much deeper and work with the body and the energy field. I’m here to help you heal. This is spiritual healing and therapy together.

I work with your anxiety and trauma safely – releasing the sensations/energies you feel in your body. I work with the parts of you that experience self-doubt, perfectionism, persistent worry, self-sabotage and lack of confidence, to transform them naturally. If you would like to move beyond these protective patterns, heal yourself, set healthy boundaries, and feel safe within yourself to be able to connect with people, then I am here for you

I work with compassion, care and curiosity, and without judgement. I hold a Diploma in Holistic Counselling, I am a Shamanic Practitioner, and Embodiment Meditation Teacher, and I have a lot of training and knowledge in trauma and holistic healing, including personal experience. I work intuitively and every person is unique, so I am here as a fellow traveller so you can be properly supported on all levels – including your mind, emotions, spirit and nervous system. I have been on my own transformational and healing journey, which only deepens – anyone giving the impression that their journey is over is most likely making a false claim. I’m here to keep it real.

It is possible to feel empowered, blissful and peaceful and create an amazing, balanced and fulfilling life. Everything is energy and energy can be transformed.

I offer the following modalities:

  • Holistic Counselling (I work with your parts/aspects and archetypes, e.g. wounded inner child, inner critic, judging part, addicted part, storyteller, perfectionist part, the thinker, etc -using the framework of Internal Family Systems Therapy. I may use a variety of healing techniques such as EFT [tapping], reclaim lost parts/soul retrievals, visualisations, embodiment meditation, shamanic healing, structural constellations, etc.)

  • ThetaHealing (reprogram the subconscious mind with more beneficial beliefs, download positive feelings, release negative feelings, heal at the DNA level, soul healing and much more)

  • Transformational Coaching

  • Massage Therapy: Aromatherapy massage, Remedial massage, Swedish relaxation massage, Oncology massage, traditional old style Lomi Lomi massage and Pregnancy massage.

  • Aromatherapy & products

  • Five Element Acupressure (this is energy healing, also may be incorporated into massage sessions)

  • Sound healing



I have 15 years of experience in massage therapy and aromatherapy. I offer a healing, nurturing, intuitive, holistic and restorative massage. I’ve been working with people for a long time, and through that journey have witnessed that in order to heal we need to work on all levels.

I have over 5 years experience in holistic counselling, as well as many trainings in the healing arts and shamanism, and training in medical intuition and healing (ThetaHealing). The experience of my own spiritual awakening and initiations, transformational journey and ceremonies inform my practice and help me be a holistic healing guide for others. My work blends holistic healing with therapeutic models that really help.

Sacred Circle for Soulful Women

Sacred Circle for Soulful Women is an in-person circle for soulful women who want to engage in deep and meaningful conversation, feel heart connection, practice sacred ritual and connect with their soul with guided embodiment meditation. I also do sound healing at these circles. The circles are happening in my home in Currumbin Valley, so if you are interested in joining and want to be notified of each circle please send me an email at: sacredcirclesoulfulwomen@gmail.com or check the Facebook page often (events are added there):  https://www.facebook.com/sacredcircleforsoulfulwomen

“I would like to thank Bella Aurora Starr for being the therapist I keep returning to. Her caring self really shines through, as well as her knowledge. I know I can always look forward to a cup of tea and a room of good vibes that puts me at ease. She has helped me through past traumas, as well as current life issues and has pointed me in the right direction. Professional but also friendly and empathetic and flexible, I always leave feeling a lot lighter than when I came in, and I will keep returning.”


“I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember and nothing seemed to relieve it. After just three sessions, and continuing the practices at home, I’m starting to feel at peace. Bella’s presence has helped me to feel old pain I wasn’t even aware I was still carrying, and I’ve released a lot. I’m feeling a lot calmer and capable of handling life’s challenges, and I am continuing to see Bella as I work through some deeper issues.”


(December 2022)

It has been more then a week since I had a healing session with Bella and straight away things shifted for me. I noticed changes in my life and problems I had on physical level the past few years disappeared the next day. She is amazing counsellor and a great healer. She will help you unlock blockages and change core beliefs. She is very intuitive and has a great connection with spiritual world. Whatever it is that you are dealing with in your life atm she can help you get over that and heal. Whether it’s physical or mental, a lot can be shifted in one session already. I highly recommend her as an amazing healer. Thank you Bella 🙏


(May 2023)

About Me

I am a truth seeker and truth speaker, and I’m here to embody all that I truly am. I am here to connect with my heart and follow its wisdom, and be a shining light in this world. I’m not here to blame outer circumstances, I’m here to use them as a mirror to show me what I need to heal within me.

I am passionate about natural healing so I have studied many healing arts. My first spiritual awakening happened when I was 15 years old. I was deep into many mystical and spiritual things for many years since then, however I found it hard to be my authentic self out in the world. I felt like I needed to hide away a big part of myself to keep myself safe. Since then, many more awakenings and realisations have been happening and the social mask fell away. In recent years I have been healing my trauma, anxiety, and physical health issues. I don’t have anxiety anymore, meaning I don’t live with it on a daily basis, however can obviously experience anxious feelings like everyone else from time to time. I’m inhabiting my body more fully now that much of the trauma is released. I’ve been amazed at what I’ve been able to heal through embodiment meditation and other practices, plant medicines, and facing my shadows – essentially opening more and moving beyond protective mechanisms of the psyche. As I’ve transformed I’ve felt ready to just be me, and be of service to others in the most authentic way.

I am here to evolve, and to guide others to step into their own self-leadership and creative brilliance so they can shine fully and create the life they truly desire – in alignment with their soul and higher self. I am here to support people on their own healing journey.  

I feel such immense gratitude for all the teachers and mentors, for all the life lessons (including the very difficult ones), and for the synchronicity that lead me to this point. I give thanks to the Creator of All That Is, that is everywhere and in everyone and everything. I give thanks to Mother Earth for all her giving and nourishment, and for my life and all the life on this planet.

I’m both in service to others and here to have an amazing life. Truly it’s the simple things that make me happy: nature – waterfalls, trees, rocks, the ocean, the moon, stars, sunsets; deep and meaningful conversations; humour; creativity and the creative arts; sacred circles; sacred rituals; creating; reading; learning; walking; dancing; cooking; eating nourishing foods; chocolate and cacao; seeing beautiful things: crystals, artwork; and sitting in stillness with my soul.